Bronze Seidoushokuth
Hey! How dare you all leave I was buried too deep but I'm here now! The handsome bronze hatching struggled with the sand in his wings before turning to Palan. Bring them back Palan using the magic! I'll help you control your abilities too! My daddy knows how to fight wraiths real good, and mommy knows a little magic too I think, so I know lots! I'm Seidoushokuth, and we'll go lots of places...we'll, after we eat?
Palan just stared at this little creature, was this really true? Slowly a smile crept onto his handsome face and Esonieth crooned at both them, gently confidiing in the hatchling bronze that neither herself nor Solinrath were that experienced in dealing with the supernatural. Well, ok fine. Then Palan will have to tell me all about it later and I can tell you. Still smiling Palan helped the dragon from the sands, they were at the large entrance when an eerie howl made them both stop. Peering back Palan breathed a sigh of relief, his sharp eyes caught sight of a beautiful green/white approaching Krohska, meanwhile a blue/white was waiting for the other two to bond before approaching Truthair. Why did you stop? I'm sooo hungry *I'm sorry but I just wanted to see that those two impressed. They greatly desrve to be loved and respected by at least someone.* Yes, I understand but my stomach dosen't! Can we go? Even the greens are ahead of me! * Be nice they deserve to eat just as much as you do* But I'M a bronze, they are mere greens * Mere greens with better manners* Seidoushokuth snorted and shuffled along after Palan sheepishly.
They reached the weyrling barracks where Forshallen and Zhaneel met them with open arms and more importantly(for Seidoushokuth) freshly butchered meat. Shal and Zhaneels' own dragons, Zurith and Gribath, came out and welcomed Seidoushokuth in their own way. I guess they like me, is there any more meat around here? * Greedy guts, and yes theres some over by the gold.* The bronze looked over at Alcyoneth and snorted. No that is hers, she just told me so. Also Kweinalth said that the older weyrlings are cutting meat up for us today and that your friends need to help us. * Alright I'll tell them.* Kweinalth says, rather loudly, NOW Surprised Palan repeated his bronzes message and Shal grimmaced., Zhaneel smirked and shook her head. " Thats just like K'naret, we can't stop for a second. Well mighty bronze we are at your esteemed service." she said mock bowing to the hatchling. He snorted and strutted past her and Shal proudly before tripping on his long wings. Aei, stupid wings, always getting in the way. * You'll need them later* Then help me get untangled oh wise elf *As you wish milord dragon* Palan said dramatically before helping his dragon.
A few hours and bucks later Seidoushokuth was lounging lazily in the sun by the Weyrlake. The lower Caverns were busy cooking and getting the feast ready. Harpers were arriving in droves, as were the relatives of the new dragonriders. Somewere in the melee a tall silver haired elf sat by himself with the finely chiseled head of a bronze dragon resting on his lap. Palanthalas was absently stroking Sei's eyeridges, the dragon crooned softly several times before falling asleep. A soft hand appeared on his shoulder and Palan looked up and smiled at Forshallen. *Hello Shal whats up?* "Oh nothing much, just checking to see how you and Sei are doing." the golden haired elf said, sitting down next to Palan. * We're fine, lazybones here is already asleep.* he said smiling fondly at the bronze who snored softly. Shal grinned
" You know Palanthalas you have smiled more today then the entire time I have known you." Palan looked up surprised * Really? I never thought about it. Must be His doing.* he replied motioning to the hatchling. Shal nodded " Yeah probably, by the way, the feasting will start soon and Zhaneel, Luna, K'naret, and I would greastly appreciate it if you would join us. " * I suppose, I meant to ask you. Do unnerve people with the mindspeaking and myself in general?* Now it was Shal's turn to be surprised, he thought about it a moment before answering. " know, I'm not the greatest person to ask, Zhaneel's the empath not me. But I will answer yes, I've seen the looks on some peoples faces when you speak and I would call them dumbfounded. Your demenor flat out scares people, humans are such easy creatures to scare you know." Palan nodded and took notes mentally, not that he would stop mindspeaking, but he woulld try not to scare people. *Thank you very much Shal, and I'll meet you by the big hearth at the feast so look for me there.* The other elf nodded and stood up, " Alright see you then, farewell kinsman." he said before striding away.
Don't worry you'll be fine, no one will bother you. * Humpth easy for you to say YOUR not going!* I don't see how you don't like large gatherings of people. I would think it would be a lot of fun. * Yeah for social people, not elves the likes of me.* You'll be fine. Palan snorted and rearranged his tunic, now why did I agree again? Because deep down inside you wanted to go and be accepted. * Please don't get all philosophical on me now Sei, I don't need a lecture on the true nature of my heart right now.* Of course you do "Aei Sei!" Palan yelled throwing his hands up in the air. * Think what you will, I'm going now and then I'm coming back as fast as I can.* Whatever, have fun ridermine "Humpth" he said then Palan's silver flit Vator suddenly appeared after a days abscence.
* And where have you been my dear?* the elf asked streching out his right arm. Vator twittered and eyed the arm specutivly then landed on Palan's left hand shoulder. * Well fine have it your way, what have you there?* Gently the elf removed a slip of paper from his silvers leg. I didn't know you had a flit, he is very cute, what is his name? * Vator, he can help scratch you tomorrow, a lot of dragonriders have their lizards do that.* I'll be waiting, read the note. * I am!* unfolding it Palan instantly recgonized Arwyn's elegant writing in their own tongue.
Dear Palanthalas, Greetings, I haven't heard from you much so I decided to write and find out how things are going. I should cut straight to the point and tell you this, I'm returning to Eien.
The rest of the note, her reasons, all went by in a blur. I'm returning to Eien. They burned in his mind and sent terrible tremors through his heart. No she can't, she's going to leave me here alone.
The wars are going very badly and they need me in Elhellond. They could use you too but Nordrel is making them leave you alone, however you should hurry back if you can. I'm very sorry to be leaving but they really need my healing powers. I greatly hope to come back but I'm not sure when or even if, Palan things are really bad. Dvari, Eldarion, and Arrowhead are gone, Bragollach is falling. Oh the poor dwarves, we tried we really did..
She's really leaving, no this can't be she was supposed to come here. She could be killed if she goes back to Trevalean.
Cavralen has been wipped of the planet and Khaea is slowly deteriorating. The humans are faring a little better, Illarney and the Ghost City still stands and so does the rest of Galaroth. The Mage's Vale also stands, That Shadow Wood of theirs really helps and Kinta is still free. The other nations I'm not so sure about, we don't have dealings with them. Please send word that you got this before I leave, I want to speak with you one last time. I'm leaving at the half moon please come.
Love eternal Arwyn
Palan looked at the moon and cried out, it was full. Then a sharp pain stabbed in his shoulder and he collasped.
The party went on and Shal was worried, Palan hadn't come and the elf wouldn't just not attend without sending word. He spoke a word to Zhaneel who called her green fire lizard Lled, after recieving directions the green disappeared then reappeared with a silver in tow. " I know that one, thats Vator, Palan's silver. The young silve twittered nervously and refused to land on Zhaneels arm. "Something must be wrong I'll go check on him, he's in the barracks now right?" Zhaneel nodded and Shal put his drink down and left. Zurith met him outside and Shal climbed onto the blue/greens broad back. To the barracks, something must be wrong with Palan he never came. That is why I was outside waiting for you. Something is very wrong. Seidoushokuth isn't answering either Gribath or myself. We looked in on him and saw Palan laying down looking very pale. Sei didn't look much better. WHAT!!! Hurry up! Call Zhaneel, Luna, the Healers ANYONE! Alright it's done they are coming. We are here. Shal slipped of his dragons back and raced into the barracks, Palan's inert form was spraweled on the floor, a crumpled piece of paper lay nearby. Close by Seidoushokuth's bronze hide was very dull and he opened one eye and stared at them. Help him, he is fading. I can't bring him back, something is trying to control him. The dragon said tiredly, his head sagged back to the floor and he closed his jeweled eyes. Whirling winds fueled the powerful maelstrom that was his mind. Haunted images assualted his senses and ghostly faces both fair and comely pleaded for help. Mists covered his vision and he stretched his farseeing eyes to their farthest reach. Slowly a vision formed, a shimmering figure was standing with arms upraised on a tall crystal tower. Storm clouds raged around her and a harsh wind whipped through her dark hair. Palan gave a strangled yelp and tried to call out to her but he couldn't, his body was no longer his own. Then He came, a terrible shadow that looked vaguely human and had burning embers for eyes. The shadow filled his vision and his entire being, it delved deep into his soul and searched right through him. The harsh pain in his shoulder grew worse and the Shadow King made His wishes plain. He wanted Palan, He wanted the power Palan controlled and would possess if he was trained further. Above all, He would do anything to get Palanthalas. The shadow offered him anything, first power, then riches, all of these Palan stubbornly refused. Then He threatened all that the elf held dear and had learned to finally love, horrindous images filled his mind as the King showed him what would become his reality if Palan refused. Leave him alone! a voice cried. A tiny spark of light appeared, it pulsed with life energy and the heartbeat of it's true form. Palan looked up and hope flared, then abrubtly died when the shadow laughed.~Foolish mortal, go away this does not concern you or your kind~Yes it does, you threaten my rider and my chosen lifemate. I WILL NOT let you have him without a fight! ~Then a fight you shall recieve insolent insect!~ More smaller shadows appeared and surronded the light that was Seidoushokuth's soul. *No get away Sei! I don't want to lose you!* And I can't lose you Palanthalas. We are bound together by more then mental bindings, what hurts you hurts me I /can't/ stay away.*What? I don't understand?* You are mine and I am yours, we are together until the day we die. Palan looked at the light that was his bondmate and understood, *I see, then we will fight him together!*~Enough mortals, elven mage you will be MINE~ The shadows eyes burned brighter and more dark beings appeared, the stench of dead things filled Palan's nose. *NOOO..........* the elf screamed as one shadow tore into Sei's light creating a shower of glittering sparks. Then more lights appeared, one glowing the color of the sun at high noon. Be gone shadows what you desire cannot be claimed! *Rhinth?* And the rest of us. We will not let you be drawn into the darkness. You belong in the light not the shadows. Come back Palan please. We need you, I need you. " I need you to live, please wake up...." A voice called out, faintly it chimned in the echoing silence. Days later Palan jerked awake to a hovering bronze head. Your here your alive I'm so glad!!! The others didn't believe me when I said you would be fine! The hatchling exclaimed, he rose up on his hind legs and in a totally undraconic like manner he jumped upon the bed and snuggled against his bond like a lap dog. *Oaf, you can't do that when your older!* The elf exclaimed moving around to sit up. A slumped figure stirred and uncurled into the form of a girl, seeing him awake she lept up and ran to his side. *Arwyn?!* " Yes, I returned when I heard what had happened. *Then he didn't get you? Your here for real?* The elfmaiden smiled and placed a delicate hand on his forehead. "Yes I'm here, and I won't leave you again. I promise."