

Return to Darkness


Whispers, what were they saying? His hearing was painfully amplified but still he couldn't hear anything. No, don't stop what are you saying. The voices paused and he tried to cry out, don't leave me alone. An icy coolness penetrated his thoughts and calmed the storms raging in his abused mind. Someone was trying to tell him something but he could no longer hear, could no longer think.

Days later he opened one eye and was met by a blazing light; he let out a muffled cry and closed his eyes again. "Palan" a soft voice born upon the winds reached him, he opened his eyes again and found the light gone. Someone sat next to him, she put her palm on his head and he felt a warm wash of energy envelope him. Pain receded and awareness restored his muddled thoughts to what they were before. "Arwyn?" the elfmaiden smiled and patted a damp cloth to his forehead. " Don't speak you are only just awakening." she said soothingly. He groaned as memories came back to him, "What have I done?"

          Arwyn dropped her eyes and didn't answer. *Please tell me, what happened after I blacked out? * He asked using mindspeech. " Plenty, Palan, plenty. Your rooms and the ones next to them are destroyed, luckily the other owners were out of town and the other one was deserted. It could have been a lot worse, you could have destroyed all of Elhellond." Palan sighed and looked at his bandaged hands. Then he moved to sit up but Arwyn restrained him.

             "No you must not move, your headache will return if you move to fast, for now just rest." The thought of that awful pain and blackness returning made him stop and go limp immediately. Arwyn got up and drew back the blinds a little letting in the afternoon sunshine. " Don't worry about any of that right now, not ever. No one is bitter and many are sorry that things came to what they are. " She said softly, Palan was confused, why would anyone feel sorry for him after what had happened? *Why? * He asked. " Palan, you should have been trained long ago when you were young just like I was. But no one knew and Nordrel never told anyone of your existence or your powers. You equal her you know." He ground his teeth at the mention of his mother but he stopped, that was childish, he should not hold a grudge against her. She had only wanted the best for him. He watched Arwyn, her slim frame outlined by the sunlight, and he felt an odd stirring in his heart, something he hadn't known since he was a child. He pushed it away, rule number one never show emotions, but his heart yearned for something that he alone could not give it.

                  Weeks turned into months and months turned into years. His full training attained, and Palanthalas Silverleaf was a force to be reckoned with. His desire for affection grew but still he pushed it away, even though he was no longer a spy, he still kept the rules. They had served him well and he didn't think they could fail him, but still a breech had been made and would not be fixed. Arwyn herself tried to reach him but she let him fight his own battles, she knew he would come around and she would wait but, even for an elf, the wait was going to be a long one.

               Finally one day when her cousin Copper made a rare visit, some ground was gained. While the Weyrwoman was talking with Arwyn's parents, Arwyn decided to introduce Palan to the queen dragon that was Copper's lifemate. The golden dragon was very kindly and seemed to pay special attention to anything that Palan said, the reason for this was found out later. The next morning Palan awoke to find a note on his door, Copper wished to speak with him over breakfast in the nearby Diner. He got dressed and met her their,

                 "Palan," she said after they had finished their meal and were sipping the elvish brew called Teria. " My gold says that you are troubled, you are at war with yourself and being here is only heightening your confusion and making it more difficult. She says that it would be a pleasant change if you were to come with us to my Weyr on Pern. The people there are very nice and there is no war going on. Perhaps you will find what you are looking for?" The silver haired elf jerked his head up and almost spilled the drink on the table. *So that is why she paid special attention to me? * "Yes, she thinks you might be happy for a while and be ready to come back and continue your fight here." Palan thought for a moment, getting away would be good, he would have time to himself and not have to worry about wraiths or Death Walkers for a long time. Maybe he would also come to terms with himself.

            * Yes, I'll come Copper, but may Arwyn come as well? She needs to get away as much as I do. * Copper hid a smile behind her hand, Arwyn would have probably found some way to come anyway, Copper was glad he wanted the girl along. " Of course, she'll be very happy to come." Copper emphasized very and it didn't go by unnoticed by Palan, as a matter of fact he even smiled a little, something that rarely happened. Perhaps his road to healing would be joined by Arwyn.

                 A few weeks later found Palan relaxing in the warm sun, he wore only shorts and his light shirt was laid out to dry on a nearby palm tree. He had found this secluded beach a few days after his arrival with Copper and Arwyn. His bay Arab stallion Nightwing nibbled on the fodder that Palan had brought with him and the waves lapped gently against the shore. Perhaps I will find peace here he thought, days in the sun had tanned his pale skin a rich gold and his silver hair shone with a light of its own.

                He sat up and watched as his silver flit Vator played in the waves trying to catch fish, he laughed as one after another fish evaded the young lizard. Laughing, never used to do that, he liked the feeling of humor and enjoyment. He got up and wadded out into the warm waters and with a thrust of his long legs glided to were Vator floated. The tiny silver chirped and made another grab for a fish. Palan grinned and splashed the miniature dragon. The silver squeaked and jumped between, appearing again behind Palan. He landed in the water and fanned some water with his wings onto the elf as payback. Palan held his breath and sank beneath the waves, when he came up again he met the chuckling of a feminine voice.

          "So you do have a sense of humor?" the voice said, Palan cleared his eyes with a wipe of his hand and glared at the rider. A green dragon was on the beach nearby and the woman was near her shoulder. " Sorry, I'm Killora from Tripaldi. My green and I are at Fire Ridge on Search, Copper told us that you were out here and that you should be Searched as well." Palan was a little confused then he remembered what a Search was. *And? * The woman didn't stop smiling but she did laugh. "Blunt aren't ya? Well Jurith likes you and Copper already signed your papers. All we need is your acceptance." Palan thought for a moment. Why not? Forshallen had Impressed and Zurith was a wonderful personality. Maybe Arwyn would Impress a dragon as well, even better; perhaps a dragon could help him.

           * Could you give me a few hours?* " Take your time youngster." Killora said. *No offense ma'am, but I'm close to four hundred years old. * "Well!" Killora looked shocked. "No offense taken, pardon Me." * Don't worry I get that a lot* Killora smiled again and Palan got the feeling that she smiled a lot to make people feel at ease around her. " Well Palan, you can mindspeak so just tell Jurith your decision." And with that the Searchrider mounted her dragon and left, leaving Palan with many things to think about.

             After hours of pondering both good and bad, the elf decided to go for it. *Jurith? * He tried experimentally, No Galaxiath *sorry Gali can you tell Jurith I'm ready. I'll go* Are you sure? *Yes* O.K., they will be there momentarily. Soon after the pair appeared and Palan bade Nightwing to go to his stable, the big stallion snorted then trotted off. Palan mounted behind Killora and Vator clutched to Palan's shoulder sleeve. Going between to Fire Ridge  Palan said goodbye to his few friends and packed his even fewer belongings. He was finishing when he felt arms encircle his waist.

           *Hello Arwyn.* The girl put her head on his shoulder and sighed. " Must you go?" she asked, holding back tears. * No, but I think this will be good for me. You must promise to follow me to Tripaldi though* " What?!" * You were not searched because they have all the female candidates that they need but when there is another clutch Killora will be back for you. Be ready, I'll be waiting for you. * Then she could hold them back no longer, tears fell freely and Palan took her in his arms and rested her head on his chest. * Please don't cry Arwyn, tears do not belong on your fair face. * Arwyn looked up at him and wiped her eyes dry. "OK, I'll be there, good luck." with that she turned and fled.

        Palan was  sober and when queried by Killora, he told her of Arwyn tears. . " Don't worry Palan, she'll be here if Jurith and I have to drag her, even though she'll probably be the first one on the sands here." was all the searchrider said as they landed.  Palan nodded then looked around the Weyr.

                 It was very beautiful, he followed Killora to the candidate barracks were he met some other boys, though some looked like men. One very shy one was also from another world, Palan introduced himself to then at the prompting from Killora but then he went to the empty bunk and began to write, this would make a good journal topic, this traveling on another world. Maybe Arwyn would like to read it sometime