

Search and Candidacy

You will never be the mage your parents wanted.  But all of these years of training, the conditioning, the cost. What would his parents do? Probably shove me on the first boat to Tre'valen. Vik sighed gustily and realized he was once again in the clearing with the two trails, only now there was only one, with a sign.


Welcome to the wood of Shadows and the pools of Truth

Destinys truth awaits at your fingertips, if you can ask the question.


            A few weeks later found Vikteren on a boat, a big boat, but still a boat, and poor Vik felt like he was dying. I DISLIKE the Sea. He couldn't understand how these sailors could stand all of this rolling and rocking and the Book knew what else that happened on the bloody tub! Miserable he went below to his cabin a reread the letter Fargion had given him before he left for the elves.



Hope you dont get seasick Vik,(at this Vik grumbles and contemplates burning the letter.)I heard the sailors have great wine if you can wheedle any out of them.  Anyway I hope to see you again sometime bud, Ill still be in Anloran, they think that Ill be a Scholar or a teacher(Vik snickers then continues.) for some reason or another. Good luck with your travels and dont go falling for an elfmaid, the Sorceresses here will miss you greatly. Drink well my friend.




Vik sighed and lay back on the bed, letting the letter lie on his chest. Moments later he was fast asleep.

Finally! Looking through the small porthole over his bed Vikteren watched in relief as the ship sailed steadily closer to land. On the crowded docks he could make out the tall elegant forms of elves, shorter humans, and very short and stocky dwarves.  He hurriedly packed his belongings and stowed all of his spell books and components in a large trunk.  Note to self, don't trip, or be trampled.  Getting his ID papers and the scroll from  Rampion ready he locked the trunk magically then made it weightless with a touch of magic.  Linking it to himself the young mage left the cabin with the trunk trailing after him.

Ah dry land. A laden cart went through a puddle, sending mud everywhere. Well almost, at least it doesn't move.  The Portmaster had given him written directions to the nearest Transport station which would take him directly to Elhellond, the capital city. When asked why he needed to go to Elhellond the elf had shrugged. " Well lad, the papers from Rampion said your to go there, not stay here in Arrowhead." Vik nodded and acted like that explained everything. Thanks Ramp, can't tell a guy anything straight up can you? He grimaced and wiped the mud from his tunic and breeches. With one hand on the floating trunk he made his way cautiously through the busy streets. A small group of elvish and human children spotted him an, laughing, called for 'fiery sparkly things' Since Vik hadnt a clue what those were he shrugged and said he couldn't. One little human girl sniffled and cried a little. Turning back Vik saw the rest were trying to put on tough guy faces. He sighed and scratched his head. " Now, now little lady, why'd you go and do that?" The girl stopped crying and looked at him, totally confused. Making a tsking sound Vik kneeled and pulled a coin from behind her ear. " going and taking a poor mages change." As he held it, it started to glow then he balanced it on one finger, still glowing it started to spin. Vik took his finger away and watched in satisfaction as the girls eyes went wide with wonder.  The coin now spun by itself in mid air, then it vanished, only to reappear on the girls shoulder. Then he snapped his fingers, "Ah, fiery sparkly things."  Abruptly twelve little glittering mage lights appeared, dancing around the children.  Smiling he took his leave of the group.

He arrived a few minuets later at the Station and wrote his name down on the sign in sheet. He gave the clerk his papers, the elf-woman checked them thoroughly then smiled at him. " Alright Mr. Carlashaen, here you go, just go through that door to the left." She stamped them and gave them back. He smiled his thanks and took his leave.  He came to another desk and a nearly identical woman. "Hello sir, I take your luggage here." She looked at his trunk and grinned. " You might want to shield that during the Transfer, our magic will disrupt anything you have." Vik nodded and did so, then turned over his satchel and trunk. " They'll come through the portal next to yours." She said, he nodded and with her waved indication went through yet another door. Two tall elven men greeted him as he entered.  One stayed near the controls but the second stepped forward offering his hand. " I'm Jarcis, have you ever gone on one of these?" Vik shook his head and Jarcis grinned. " Don't worry me and my partner have been doing this for years, it won't take too long. Youll be leaving soon so I suggest going in and finding a seat, you're the last one." Vik nodded and looked apprehensively at the light field in front of him, through it he could vaguely make out sitting figures. " Go on, it won't hurt." Shrugging he walked through and shivered at the odd tingling sensation, on the other side was a medium sized round room shaped like an upright tube.  A long bench wrapped around the perimeter, all of the spots were filled except between another human mage and a young looking elfmaiden.  The mage glanced at him briefly and returned to his reading while the elf moved over a little to allow more room.  She smiled at him shyly as he sat down, Vik noticed immediantly that everyone except himself had a book or something with them. " Does the Transfer take that long?" he asked her. She looked up and shrugged, " Not the Transfer, that's instantaneous, it's the checks they do for bugs and gliches that takes so long, the system is terribly easy to mess up, why, I've been sitting here for half a mark already!" Vik gulped and looked around the room nervously. She laughed at his expression and patted his shoulder. " Don't worry, I've gone through with Jarcis and Eriagon before, they're the best." He nodded and sat back, trying to relax. " here, you look like the type that reads spell books and such, I always bring extra books." Vik  took the book she offered him and read the contents page. " By the way, I'm Noruve Fleetstar, and you?" he glanced up, " Vikteren Carlashaen." She smiled warmly, " Vikteren huh? Nice to meet you." He nodded and looked at the Stardial on the wall. " Thanks for the book Noruve, how long does this usually take?" She shrugged, "Anywhere from a mark to three marks." Vik smiled and nodded then went back to the book.


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