A mark later a little bell went off and everyone started packing up. Vikteren returned the book and stood up to stretch. Noruve stood at his elbow when he was done and peered at the scroll at his belt. Hm.. were are you headed Vikteren? she asked. Taking out the scroll he scanned it then scratched his head. Well, the Tower of the Moon, but I havent the slightest clue of where that may be. Noruve giggled as they went through the light field again. Typical, Ill show you around if you want, I'm heading to the same place. Vik gave her a grateful smile and nodded.
After his papers were checked and stamped, again, he and Noruve were free in the tree filled city. To Vikterens amazed eyes it seemed that all of the marvelous buildings were a part of the trees around them, as if the city had been built around them. He had been to the human fortress and city of Illarney, while it was beautiful, the elven city of Elhellond cast it into a dark shade. Say Noruve, a question, why do they check my papers so often? he ticked the times off on his fingers. Before getting on the ship, onboard the ship, getting off the ship, going into Arrowhead, getting out of Arrowhead, getting into Elhellond, and Chargon knows what else! he exclaimed. She grinned and put her hands behind her head, looking up at the trees. Elves dont trust humans, mages are given a lot of freedom because your kind is considered more responsible, what are you laughing at? Vikteren paused, a crooked smile on his face. Ha, you should see a bunch of mages when we get drunk, thats funny, heh, heh responsible by The Books Bindings Noruve. Though the adepts are responsible, at least the ones I know. Noruve looked at him in surprise then realized he was kidding, mostly. They came to the wide steps that led up to the Tower. Vik looked up and gasped. He had never been one for architecture but this was beautiful. Tall crystal spires glittered in the sun and the silver gates guarding the entrance were testimony to the skill of the artisans that created them. Now Noruve snickered, dwarves come here in droves to gawk and drool kind of like you are right now. Vik snapped his mouth shut but continued to stare. She went up the stairs a bit then turned waving a hand. Come on Vikteren, the High Cleric is probably waiting for us right now. Vik looked at her in surprise, Us? she grinned and pulled out a scroll with the same seal. My teacher sent me here with a letter and a seal she never uses, you appear bearing a letter from your Headmaster using the same seal, dont be a dumb wit. He glared at her then grinned to himself. This sure was unusual, what game was Chargon playing now?
WHAT! Both their jaws dropped at the clerics words. Noruve didnt think Vikterens eyebrows could go up any farther and she must look like someone hit her in the back of the head with a board. The High Cleric had a small smile playing on the corners of his mouth and Noruve felt the urge to hit him. " Must I also repeat that you are leaving tomorrow?" Vikteren blinked once, twice, then shook his head. " Hold on, how are we going to get from one Planet to another and more importantly" he gestured to himself and Noruve " why us?" The cleric shrugged and answered the first question. " You're to go the same way you came. We've had so much traffic between Elhellond and the Weyr that we established a Transport Station there. Of course it takes longer to Transfer but there are virtually no checks, so your in and out." Vik shook his head again and turned pleading green eyes on Noruve. " How?" he looked so completly baffled that she had to laugh. " who knows, let's just make the bst of it."
Make the best of it, right... Another dragon winged overhead and vikteren surpressed the urge to duck.Noruve on the other hand was delighted and waved to the copper's rider.
They had been at Fire Ridge for two sevendays by Pernese standards, and both mage and elf had discovered what real prejudice was. Of course they were fine in the weyrs and some of the Holds close by, but in some Gathers, things had happened. Not that the weyr was a bad place to be stuck in, but Vik felt wandering feet, he wanted to explore. However, the weyrwoman upon meeting them had forbidden it.
Vikteren grimaced as the copper turned and backwinged to land in front of them. He swung his big head and regarded the pair in front of him quizzically. The dragons rider jumped down a saluted smartly. " Are you two Noruve and Vikteren?" Noruve nodded and jabbed Vik in the ribs when he didn't respond. "Ah, yeah, I'm Vikteren, Copper isn't a usual dragon color is it um?" " Ker't" the rider supplied. " And no, it isn't, Barahirth is from the Falas FGPC clutch."" FGPC?" Noruve raised a slender eyebrow, she had heard it mentined but only fleetingly.